Duncan Family Tree

Duncan Family Tree

Focused Person Chart


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This is a tracing of the ancestry of the Duncan family. I have done some tracing of other family names too, like Sutton. Those are harder as I am missing the names of many people for those parts of the family, especially the Suttons, but also the Gass.

I have quite a few sources to go on for more recent times. Once we get past the 1600s it gets harder, but no impossible.

Our ancestry is primarily Scottish, but not entirely. There is a great amount of Irish and Anglo-Saxon, as well as some other European descent.

The image above is of our family crest. Duncan is a royal family and has held this crest in some fashion (functionally) through the 1800s at least. Many of our ancestors are royal.

Of note:

- Our relation to King Duncan of Scotland (made famous from the play Macbeth)

- Our relation to St. Constantine, Emperor of Rome

- Our relation to St. Margaret of Wessex

- Our relation to Caesar Augustus

- Scotland was once called Alba and before that it was called Pict

- We had Duncans fight in the War of Independence 

- The names given to every one of Ralph Duncans children were commonplace among the Duncan line for centuries, except Rex. Where did that one come from?

Created: Mar 19, 2021

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